Cactus Sheepskin
Cactus Sheepskin
Cactus Sheepskin
Cactus Sheepskin
Cactus Sheepskin
Cactus Sheepskin
Cactus Sheepskin
Cactus Sheepskin
Cactus Sheepskin
Cactus Sheepskin
Cactus Sheepskin
Cactus Sheepskin
Cactus Sheepskin
Cactus Sheepskin
Cactus Sheepskin
Cactus Sheepskin
Cactus Sheepskin
Cactus Sheepskin

Cactus Sheepskin

25 000 kr
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Sheepskin dining chairs
Sheepskin Cactus
It's like sitting on a cloud, but better
What it's made of
Wave Pattern
As if it wasn't enough that we have an incredibly ergonomic and comfortable shape which is good enough to sit on for hours.

We've dared to add this fantastic sheepskin upholstery which will surely make your jaw drop when you try it for the first time.

To limit our impact on the environment, we manufacture the frame both in Spain and Sweden. Depending on where you live, it will be shipped from the closest factory.
It’s a fantastic dining chair
Wave Pattern
Icelandic sheepskin is great at maintaining itself clean over time.

The wool contains a natural dirt repellant that will do most of the job for you. And the wool is very short and trimmed down to avoid food getting stuck and lost in it.

Just follow our maintenance guidelines and you will be able to keep the chair looking good for much longer than expected.
This sheepskin version lasts a long time but unfortunately not forever.
Wave Pattern
Sure, it will not last forever. That’s why we have this fantastic replacement offer:

If you do get tired of the chair eventually, just get in touch with us in the future and we will offer you a heavily discounted replacement seat in your preferred style.
Don't be scared by its narrow back
Wave Pattern
I have yet to meet a person who hasn't found this chair comfortable despite its unorthodox shape.

It's highly unlikely that you will be the first.