5 choses à savoir avant d'acheter un revêtement de fauteuil papillon
Lisez ceci avant d'acheter un revêtement de fauteuil papillon
Vous rêvez sans doute d'avoir un magnifique fauteuil papillon dans votre salon. D'ici la fin de lecture de cet article, vote rêve ser adéjà à moitié réalité.

Si vous n'êtes pas encore propriétaire d'un fauteuil papillon, cet article n'est pas pour vous. Dirigez-vous plutôt vers notre boutique pour acheter votre tout nouveau fauteuil papillon en cliquant sur le bouton ci-dessous.

Il y a un certain nombre de critères à prendre en compte avant d'acheter un nouveau revêtement pour votre ancien cadre, certains dont vous ne soupçonniez peut-être même pas l'existence.
La raison évidente pour laquelle tout le monde cherche à se procurer un nouveau revêtement pour son fauteuil papillon
Vous êtes probablement en possession d'un vieux fauteuil papillon chez vous que vous avez peut-être hérité de vos parents. J'ai moi-même hérité d'un tel bijou de ma grand-mère.

Le fauteuil papillon (autrement connu sous le nom de chaise BFK ou Hardoy) est un des design les plus connus du XXe siècle.

En 1938, trois architects argentins créent le fauteuil papillon et lui donnent leur nom (BFK). Le fauteuil devient rapidement un énorme succcès et commence à être produit en masse par des usines dans les années 1950. Le fauteuil est devenu une référence pour les jeunes rebelles aux cheveux longs qui refusaient de s'assoir comme tout le monde. Le fauteuil est tr`s vite devenu un indispensable pour les chambres d'ados aux quatre coisn du monde. C'est ainsi qu'un d'entre eux a probablement atterri dans la chambre de vos grands-parents ou parents. C'est peut-être même la raison de votre présence sur cet article.
Au fil du temps, le revêtement a commencé à perdre de son éclat.

As time went by, the upholstery began to lose its luster. The frame that was made of solid steel is still intact even today because it was made of solid steel. The upholstery was made of materials ranging from plastic to leather however. These materials began to crumble in one way or another and most of them are in fact useless today. So what do you do when you have inherited an old butterfly chair frame? You obviously look for a new butterfly chair cover.

Before you do however, there are a few things you have to consider. Here are five things you need to know before you make your purchase.
5 choses à savoir avant d'acheter un revêtement de fauteuil papillon
As mentioned earlier, countless manufacturers made versions of this chair with different materials. Different versions also meant different sizes. If you have an old structure and are thinking of buying a matching cover, chances are it won’t fit. It will probably be either too small or too big. Whichever the case, it will not be the same thing as the armchair in its old glory days. In the worst case, it might even turn out to be ugly or impossible to sit in.
You might be looking for new upholstery because you think the structure is an original. Old as your butterfly chair frame is, it might be worth a lot of money if only polished and matched with an appropriate seat, right? Unfortunately, it isn’t.

As mentioned in our previous article about the BKF, your piece is unfortunately not an original butterfly chair. If you are looking for a new upholstery because you think your frame is original, you are probably up for a disappointment.
I often get questions from customers that want to buy our vegetable tanned leather to save money on a whole BKF. They have fallen in love with our materials and they think that the structure is the most expensive part of the furniture. If so, restoring an old Hardoy chair would be very cheap, wouldn’t it? The problem is that it’s not a correct assumption. In fact, the frame is quite inexpensive in comparison with the seat. This is at least true for any cover made of a premium quality material. If you don’t care so much about the quality of the seat, it shouldn’t be impossible for you to find a cheap solution for fixing your old BKF.
As a good design blogger once told me, a BKF is a lounge chair. You are in other words supposed to lounge in it. For hours and hours preferably. To do this you need to have a BKF that is comfortable. The problem with many old versions of the piece of furniture is that they are not. Most of them are way too small for a modern human being to sit in. I don’t know why the old Hardoys are so small. Perhaps the chairs were smaller because the average height was somewhat shorter than today, or maybe they were just smaller because they were bought for young teenagers’ rooms.

Whatever the reason, I do not think it is a very good idea to lose your hair in search of a matching butterfly chair cover to your old frame. Not when you can buy a new, comfortable BKF instead.

Do not cross the river to fetch water, as my father always says.
If you are considering to buy a BKF seat from a manufacturer, you should make sure that the quality is made to last. If you are considering leather for example, make sure the is good enough. Is it vegetable tanned? Or chrome tanned? If it’s the latter, chances are that your furniture will not be strong enough. Read this article about why Italian leather is still the best if you want good information about leather
So what should you do?
At this point, you are probably thinking that this article states very useful information. But still, your cover issue hasn’t been solved. What should you do with your old butterfly chair frame?

I am really happy to tell you that your old structure is not an issue. Actually, it’s a treasure. Thanks to your old BKF, you have discovered a masterpiece. A superstar that has had fans for 70 years.

If you are reading this article, no matter what you do with you old chair, you are a Hardoy fan. Keep reading for three things you can do with your old structure.
3 ideas on what to do with your old butterfly chair frame
If you are an experimenter, you should try to make your own cover. There are many great and free DIY guides and patterns on google on how to make your own butterfly chair cover. This can turn out to be quite fun and exciting.
Some people have become emotionally attached to their old structure. If you are one of those, it doesn’t matter what I say about comfort, quality or originality. Your frame is your frame and there is not a chance in the world that I will convince you to change it for a new one. If you are in love with your old structure, you should try to go out there and find the seat that fits it. There are some companies that can tailor make your seat for you.
You should consider the idea of recycling your old structure and buying a new one instead. After all, as I have explained in this article, an old structure is after all only an old structure. It was not manufactured with special care for you. You do not need to think that your old frame will be a waste. As I said earlier, it is thanks to your old structure that you have discovered one of the most beloved chairs of the 20th century. Undoubtedly, there is a deep level of connectivity between your old BKF and your new one.

This design has outlasted every major design trend since it saw its first light. It has been in the trendy homes of the world for 70 years. If you love the design, you should buy a new model that has been made to last 70 more years. To do so, look for a high quality leather butterfly chair.
Do you have an old BKF?
If you have an old BKF structure, please let me know in the comments below. I would love to help you with whatever you need to know. I would also just be very happy to know about all the Hardoy enthusiasts out there.

Perhaps you have had a successful experience in replacing your own cover or even making your own? In that case, please share your stories in the comments. Links to pictures would be much admired.
Share this with anyone you know who has a BKF
If you know somebody who has a butterfly chair frame or a seat, do not miss to share this article with them. They will probably appreciate your gesture a lot.